Secure M&A Process With Business Software

Secure M&A Process with Business Software

One of the biggest challenges of any M&A is integrating a huge number of new employees and getting them operational with minimal disruption. Ineffective onboarding can lead to lower productivity and a high turnover rate following an M&A.

During the M&A, IT teams are required to integrate users from both systems in a timely manner without causing security holes and compromise the integrity of data. Incorporating acquired workers using their own devices, or third-party apps such as cloud-based and social media services is a difficult task.

Cybersecurity professionals must tackle these issues by integrating them into the M&A process from start to finish and making sure they have visibility across all of the moving parts. This includes due diligence assessment and post-merger integration stages. It is essential for CISOs approach M&A with a servant mindset and communicate cybersecurity risks in a manner that executive teams can understand. This involves avoiding technical terminology and presenting metrics that executives can understand.

Our M&A solution allows you to monitor and manage the M&A processes with one dashboard. This dashboard displays all conversations, events, emails and documents in real-time. The software can be customized to your needs by configuring lists, fields and reports. We’ve also included built-in features like two-factor authentication, audit logs and security controls to help you ensure compliance with policies and security controls.

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